Real vs. Fake Leather If there is any question as to whether a bag is made from real leather or fake leather, don’t purchase it. A quality leather is a natural product, and nothing manmade will ever have the same level of quality or endurance. Look for “full grain” leather whenever possible; leather that has not had its surface altered (or “coated”) to mask the natural markings on the hide (literally, the scars of the animal). Items that are stamped “genuine leather” (rather than “full grain”) are usually leather splits taken from the backside of the skins, stamped with an artificial grain pattern, then coated with a painted surface to resemble full grain leather. This can be very deceptive, as these hides will not be nearly as soft or durable. - See more at: comment and share
Wow what a trendy look with awesome hand bag!!! I really impressed, thank you for sharing this. Leather hand bag really enhances style of men, Last month i gifted a leather bag to my elder brother and it’s looking very awesome.